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1OAK Multi Manager

Access to Liquid Alternative Managers on the dbSelect Platform across management styles and asset classes globally

Reasons To Invest

Access to specialist investment

Access to best in class specialist liquid alternatives managers across management styles and asset classes.

Bespoke Portfolios

Tailored to suit specific investor requirements both in terms of portfolio return characteristics, style bias or asset slant

Efficient Portfolio Management

Active portfolio management utilising a thoroughly tested investment process encompassing quantitative and qualitative inputs.


Dedicated Investment Committee composed of senior members of 1OAK Capital.

Daily Liquidty

Daily liquidity and portfolio NAV on dedicated Bloomberg Page


Represent an effective way to boost overall investor returns through exposure to uncorrelated returns irrespective of the broader financial market direction.

1OAK Multi-Manager

1OAK Multi-Manager portfolios are customised institutional-grade actively managed portfolios providing access to best-in-class liquid alternative managers implementing diverse investment strategies, both systematic and discretionary, across styles such as CTA, Global Macro, FX and Commodity specialists.

Portfolios are managed by 1OAK’s dedicated investment team, which has been active in the liquid alternative space since 2010.

Our Philosophy

1OAK Multi-Manager portfolios provide managed exposure to best in class, diversified liquid alternative managers implementing a range of investment strategies across liquid asset classes globally.

1OAK employs a well tested and strictly disciplined investment process blending a quantitative approach via a machine learning investment algorithm, together with discretional allocation decisions based on qualitative factors, market conditions and ongoing manager due diligence carried out by 1OAK’s dedicated Multi-Manager Investment Committee comprising a team of specialised investment professionals including the CRO in an oversight capacity.

Risk management is implemented via purpose designed risk management systems enabling the highest levels of transparency, position monitoring and control, unlike what is tipically offered in more standard multi manager offering.

Investment Objectives

1OAK Multi-Manager portfolios are customised institutional grade actively managed investments providing access to best in class liquid alternative managers implementing diverse investment strategies, both systematic and discretionary, across styles such as CTA, Global Macro, FX and Commodity specialists. Portfolios are managed by 1OAK’s dedicated investment team, active in liquid alternative space since 2010.

Investment Universe

1OAK Multi-Manager portfolios principally invest in managers available on dbSelect, Deutsche Bank’s award winning liquid alternatives platform, and which are subject to Deutsche Bank’s stringent due diligence requirements.

From this broad investment universe, a narrower list of investable managers is selected and revised on an ongoing basis using 1OAK’s in-house manager research and due diligence process. Portfolio allocations are made exclusively from the list of investable managers. Portfolios may, on request, be constructed on different manager platforms.

Investment Process

Investment decisions are taken by a dedicated Investment Committee composed of senior members of the 1OAK investment team. The investment process combines systematic and discretionary allocation inputs with ongoing research and manager due diligence. Ongoing risk management is carried out by an independent function within 1OAK headed by the CRO.

Managers are subject to multiple layers of due diligence, including stringent Deutsche Bank requirements for manager inclusion on the DB select platform together with 1OAK’s ongoing in-house manager due diligence.

Featured Portfolio: 1OAK Diversified Absolute Returns (1OAK DAR) 

Investment Objective

The 1OAK DAR is an actively managed portfolio of liquid alternative managers available on dbSelect, Deutsche Bank’s prestigious managed account platform which aims to generate absolute returns of 4-7% p.a. with negligible correlation to traditional investment portfolios and a target Sharpe ratio of 1.

The portfolio provides access to a variety of specialised strategies in foreign exchange, commodities, systematic short term across global markets, not easily accessible by many investors.

Target Investors

The portfolios are designed and managed for Mifid II professional investors who are typically looking to generate positive absolute returns with a low correlation to bond and equity markets, or which display defensive qualities during periods of financial market turbulence and benefit from heightened market volatility.


The portfolio is accessible in various formats including leveraged certificates, warrants, principal protected notes with issuers such as Deutsche Bank and Leonteq, customised to suit investor needs.

Daily print on Bloomberg <FXSTDAR>


Source 1OAK Capital, dbSelect and Bloomberg as of 12 October 2022
• Statistics represents model portfolio statistics for 1OAK DAR Portfolio until 20 September 2022 1OAK DAR Index <FXSTDAR> (went live from 21 September 2022)
• Model portfolio statistics are simulated using 1OAK’s proprietary quantitative investment methodology applied on a monthly basis to the DB Select investment managers universe to 20 September 2022
• The overall performance represents excess returns above cash in EUR net of the individual manager management fees gross of any other fee

Disclaimer: The value of investments can fall as well as rise and investors might not get back the sum originally invested.

Allocation By Strategy

Allocation By Style

3 Month Rolling Correlation 

1OAK DAR Portfolio is suitable for Mifid II professional investors, in variety of formats including leveraged certificates, call warrants, principal protected structures and managed accounts.

The portfolio was lauched as a private placement in Deutche Bank leveraged certificate form.

High Quality. Informative Updates.


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    Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Performance can be affected by commissions, fees or other charges as well as exchange rate fluctuations.
    This presentation may include information on investments that involve special risks. You should seek the advice of your independent financial advisor prior to taking any investment decisions based on this presentation or for any necessary explanation of its contents.
    The Strategy that the fund follows is managed and provided by 1OAK and utilise asset allocation guidance provided to 1OAK by BlackRock. BlackRock does not provide any service or product to you and has not considered the suitability of its asset allocation against individual needs, objectives and risk tolerances for investors. As such, BlackRock’s assets allocations do not constitute investment advice or an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities.
    BlackRock is not affiliated with 1OAK and therefore makes no representations or warranties regarding the advisability of investing in any product or service offered by 1OAK. BlackRock has no obligation or liability in connection with the operation, marketing, trading or sale of such product or service nor does BlackRock have any obligation or liability to any client or customer of 1OAK.
    The Fund may hold assets directly or get exposure through a Swap. Where the Fund has exposure through a Swap, the return received by the Fund from the Swap will represent the performance of a multi-asset portfolio or “Strategy”. The Strategy includes broad representative indices that reflect the returns of various equity markets and types of fixed income securities. The Fund will use a Swap where the Investment Manager determines that the use of the Swap is more efficient or cost-effective than investing directly in an ETF. The Swap will offer similar or better liquidity than investing directly. The Fund will mitigate any exposure to the swap counterparty using cash collateral. The swap counterparty may incur costs in hedging its obligations under the Swap. The performance of the Fund will reflect the costs incurred by the swap counterparty in implementing its hedging Strategy but will not be included in the TER or OCF. This includes any fees of the Investment Manager relating to the management of the Strategy which are paid or reimbursed by the swap counterparty under the terms of the Swap
    This material has been prepared by 1 OAK Capital Ltd (Co No 6890293 None of the investment fund manager, management company, the registrar and transfer agent, the central administration or the custodian of the Fund has independently verified any information contained herein and no party makes any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of such information
    The information contained in this presentation has been obtained from private and public sources believed to be reliable and the opinions, analysis, forecast, projections and expectations (together “Opinions”) contained in this presentation are based on such information and are expressions of belief only.
    No representation or warranty, express or implied is made that such information or Opinions is accurate, complete or verified and it should not be relied upon as such.
    Information and opinions contained in this presentation are published for recipients’ reference only but are not to be relied upon as authoritative or without the recipients’ own independent verification or in substitution for the exercise of judgment by any recipient and are subject to change without notice. This presentation is not and should not be construed as an offer document or an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any investments, or to provide investment advice or services.
    Subscriptions to a Fund may only be made on the basis of the current Prospectus and the Key Investor Information Document, as well as the latest annual or interim reports and the applicable terms & conditions.
    Please refer to the `Risk Factors’ section of the Prospectus for all risks applicable to investing in any fund and specifically this Fund. The above documents can be obtained free of charge on request from: Montlake, 23 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin, Ireland.
    The distribution of this report does not constitute an offer or solicitation and this notice shall not be construed as an offer of sale in any other fund managed or advised by 1OAK Capital Limited or MontLake Management Limited (“ML”). Any investment in the Fund should be based on the full details contained in the Fund’s Supplement Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document which together with the MontLake UCITS Platform ICAV Prospectus may be downloaded from the MontLake website ( Information given in this document has been obtained from, or based upon, sources believed by us to be reliable and accurate although neither ML nor 1OAK Capital Limited accepts liability for the accuracy of the contents. The Investment Manager for the fund, 1OAK Capital Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom. Funds regulated under UCITS must abide by investment restrictions.
    ML does not offer investment advice or make recommendations regarding investments. The Manager of the Fund is MontLake Management Ltd, a company regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. The MontLake UCITS Platform ICAV is registered and regulated as an open-ended Irish collective asset management vehicle with segregated liability between sub-Funds formed in Ireland under the Irish Collective Asset-management Vehicles Act 2015 and authorised by the Central Bank as a UCITS pursuant to the UCITS Regulations. This notice shall not be construed as an offer of sale in the Fund. The state of origin of the Fund is the Republic of Ireland.
    No reliance may be placed for any purpose on the information and opinions contained in this document or their accuracy or completeness. 1OAK believes the information or opinions contained in this document to be reliable but does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. The estimates, investment strategies, and views expressed in this document are based upon current market conditions and/or data and information provided by unaffiliated third parties and is subject to change without notice.

    Important Information

    The 1OAK Capital website is designed solely for Professional and Eligible Counterparties as defined by the Financial Conduct Authority and their professional advisers. To view the content you confirm that you have read and accept our Disclaimer. If you are not a Professional Client, Eligible Counterparty or professional adviser you should not proceed any further. In particular, the content of this website is for Professional Clients and Eligible Counterparties only and should not be relied upon by, or circulated, to Retail Investors.

    Issued by 1OAK Capital Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 1OAK Capital Ltd (1OAK) (Registered in England &amp; Wales Number: 06890293; FCA registration number 501453) provides fund management services for its customers. 1OAK Capital Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office of 2 Charles Street, London, W1J 5DB.